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The Data Story Academy

Get Certified in Data Storytelling

Our courses and full certifications cover everything you need to know about data analysis, visualization, and storytelling. Learn the latest data trends with industry experts.

Text Analysis Techniques

Text Analysis Techniques

Collecting open-ended text responses is a popular form of survey data. However, it can be time-consuming and difficult to work with - there are many challenges to efficiently and effectively analyze text data.  By the end of this course, you will know how to

  • Set up, check, and clean your text data
  • Code or categorize it, in the most efficient and meaningful ways
  • Analyze and report on it

It's a great companion to our Beginners Guide to Checking, Cleaning and Tidying Data course, being one of the key steps in the data preparation process.

At the end of each course you can sit the exam and get certified!

Limited-time offer! Enroll now for free before we add a nominal fee.

Coming Soon
Advanced Tracking (Longitudinal) Research

Advanced Tracking (Longitudinal) Research

If you're already familiar with the basics of tracking and want to push your skills further, this course is for you!

By the end of the course, you will know a range of techniques and how to apply them ...

  • Advanced statistical testing on trend data to identify changes
  • Tracking-ready analyses, like small multiple visualizations and splines.
  • Accounting for seasonality in trend data
  • When and how to weighting by key measures (e.g., volumetric)
  • Automated data quality checks and data updates
  • How to work out if changes in key results were due to changes within sub-groups or changes in sub-group size
  • Analysis frameworks (to add value and keep your audience engaged)

It's a logical extension to our Beginners Guide to Tracking Research course. 

Advanced Data Checking, Cleaning, and Tidying

Advanced Data Checking, Cleaning, and Tidying

This course covers a range of skills required for survey data preparation.  It builds on introductory material covered in our "Survey Analysis Foundations" and "Beginners Guide to Data Checking and Cleaning" courses.  By the end of his course ... 

  • you will know how to identify opportunities tidy and transform variables, or create new variables from existing ones
  • know how to perform these tasks
  • and gain exposure to some automated methods for variable transformation and creation (that you might use for ongoing work, like tracking studies.

You can then sit the exam and get certified!

You can then build on this knowledge and skill set via The Data Story Guide and future courses.

Limited-time offer! Enroll now for free before we add a nominal fee.

Driving Marketing Strategy via Research

Driving Marketing Strategy via Research

One of the critical things that separates advanced market researchers from the rest is the ability to connect findings with their primary audience, the marketing community.  If you want to take your consulting skills to a new level, this course is for you!

By the end of the course, you will know how to recognize an opportunity to add value to data using a range of strategy frameworks and how to apply them.  The frameworks include

  • Competitive Market Structure, layering classic perceptual maps
  • "Most Valuable Consumer," identifying and sizing the core group of consumers that drive the category and pinpointing them in demographic terms
  • Conversion Metrics, arranging readily available data to identify gaps and set consumer-relevant goals
  • Brand Strategy Grid to determine how best to meet those goals
  • Demand-Creating Conditions to help optimize the marketing mix.

While the course should benefit all, it will be particularly useful for those completing our Beginner's and Advanced Tracking Research courses

Limited-time offer! Enroll now for free before we add a nominal fee.

Analysis Tools: Displayr Basics

Analysis Tools: Displayr Basics

Displayr is a revolution in survey analysis software. Designed by market researchers for market researchers, it is unrivaled in terms of time-saving and value-adding features (we've audited it alongside the other main products available). This course will equip you with foundational skills in Displayr to set you up to do work well (there are or will be other courses to take you to an advanced level, should you choose). We are confident you will see immediate gains in productivity and the quality of your reporting. This course covers:
  • Getting your data into Displayr, in preparation to unleash its power.
  • Manipulating data, setting the stage for insightful analyses and discoveries.
  • Quickly creating tables and crosstabs, transforming data into meaningful insights.
  • Data visualization, enabling you to communicate complex ideas and captivate your audience.
  • Reporting capabilities, giving you the flexibility to publish online, or PowerPoint or PDF documents.
In the course, you will follow the steps using real data and work directly in Displayr. This hands-on approach ensures that you not only grasp the theoretical concepts but also develop practical skills that can be immediately applied to your work.  You can then sit the exam and get certified!You can then build on this knowledge and skill set via The Data Story Guide and future courses.
Beginners Guide to Checking, Cleaning and Tidying Data

Beginners Guide to Checking, Cleaning and Tidying Data

This course covers a range of skills required for survey data preparation.  It builds on introductory material covered in our "Survey Analysis Foundations" course.  By the end of his course ... 

  • you will have a structured set of steps for checking and cleaning survey data
  • be able to practice them with real data
  • and gain exposure to some methods for tidying and transforming variables

You can then build on this knowledge and skill set via The Data Story Guide and our companion course for this learning path, Advanced Data Checking, Cleaning, and Tidying.

At the end of the learning path, you can sit the exam and get certified!

Limited-time offer! Enroll now for free before we add a nominal fee.

Survey Analysis Foundations

Survey Analysis Foundations

This course covers the foundation skills required for survey data analysis.  By the end of it, you will know the basics of how to:

  • specify a data file that is best suited to survey research
  • check, clean, and tidy data
  • analyze with tables and crosstabs, and 
  • structure the analysis so it tells a story.   

You can also sit the exam and get certified! 

The Survey Analysis Foundations course is open to anyone and is free!  You can then build on these foundation skills with our growing intermediate and advanced courses library.

This course, being an entry point into the Academy, is free.

Beginners Guide to Tracking (Longitudinal) Research

Beginners Guide to Tracking (Longitudinal) Research

If you're new to tracking analysis and reporting or want to refresh your basic skills, this course is for you!

By the end of the course, you will know the basics of what tracking is, why companies do it, and the unique challenges it presents, including:

  • Getting your data files in the best format for tracking
  • Merging data files (for example, from wave to wave)
  • Weighting specifics for tracking data
  • Statistical testing on time-series data
  • Data visualization for trackers
  • And being smart about analysis and report building (so they are easy to update)

You can consider taking our Advanced Tracking(Longitudinal) Research course upon completion.

Limited-time offer! Enroll now for free before we add a nominal fee.

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Got 5 mins? See how to speed up your work with the #1 survey analysis software

Displayr demo

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Advance your data analysis skills and learn how to craft compelling data stories. The Data Story Guide Academy is the leader in online training for business people who work with data. There are courses for everyone, from people starting out with data through to market researchers, data analysts, and data scientists.

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Why Learn with The Data Story Guide Academy

Advance Your Career

It’s time to invest in yourself and your career by staying up to date on the latest trends in survey analysis, reporting, dashboarding, and more.

Show Off Your Skills

Add certifications to your LinkedIn profile to show your current or future employer that when it comes to data, you know your stuff.

Empower Yourself

When you are truly data-driven, you will get more done with less risk, make the correct strategic decisions, grow profit margins, and win more business.



Discover some more ways The Data Story Guide Academy can support you in your learning journey.

Quickly find and share powerful data stories with Displayr

All-in-one analysis and reporting software purpose-built for survey data.

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