About the Course
This course covers the foundation skills required for survey data analysis. By the end of it, you will know the basics of how to:
- specify a data file that is best suited to survey research
- check, clean, and tidy data
- analyze with tables and crosstabs, and
- structure the analysis so it tells a story.
You can also sit the exam and get certified!
The Survey Analysis Foundations course is open to anyone and is free! You can then build on these foundation skills with our growing intermediate and advanced courses library.
This course, being an entry point into the Academy, is free.
Course Instructor
Over 30 years experience in quantitative research, including director roles at a leading multi-national agency. Highly regarded for his skills in finding the story in data and communicating it in an effective way.
Getting Started
- How to approach this course
- What you need
- The Case Study
Setting Up Your Data
- Getting data in the right format
- Exercise: Loading a data file
- Checking and cleaning data
- Exercise: Cleaning the case study data
- Knowledge check quiz
Analyzing Your Data
- The Analysis Plan
- Tables - the key building blocks
- Exercise: Create and filter a crosstab
Shaping the Data Story
- Case study demonstration
- Before you start
- Exam
About the Course
This course covers the foundation skills required for survey data analysis. By the end of it, you will know the basics of how to:
- specify a data file that is best suited to survey research
- check, clean, and tidy data
- analyze with tables and crosstabs, and
- structure the analysis so it tells a story.
You can also sit the exam and get certified!
The Survey Analysis Foundations course is open to anyone and is free! You can then build on these foundation skills with our growing intermediate and advanced courses library.
This course, being an entry point into the Academy, is free.
Getting Started
- How to approach this course
- What you need
- The Case Study
Setting Up Your Data
- Getting data in the right format
- Exercise: Loading a data file
- Checking and cleaning data
- Exercise: Cleaning the case study data
- Knowledge check quiz
Analyzing Your Data
- The Analysis Plan
- Tables - the key building blocks
- Exercise: Create and filter a crosstab
Shaping the Data Story
- Case study demonstration
- Before you start
- Exam
Course Instructor
Over 30 years experience in quantitative research, including director roles at a leading multi-national agency. Highly regarded for his skills in finding the story in data and communicating it in an effective way.