About the Course
This course covers a range of skills required for survey data preparation. It builds on introductory material covered in our "Survey Analysis Foundations" and "Beginners Guide to Data Checking and Cleaning" courses. By the end of his course ...
- you will know how to identify opportunities tidy and transform variables, or create new variables from existing ones
- know how to perform these tasks
- and gain exposure to some automated methods for variable transformation and creation (that you might use for ongoing work, like tracking studies.
You can then sit the exam and get certified!
You can then build on this knowledge and skill set via The Data Story Guide and future courses.
Limited-time offer! Enroll now for free before we add a nominal fee.
Course Instructor
Over 30 years experience in quantitative research, including director roles at a leading multi-national agency. Highly regarded for his skills in finding the story in data and communicating it in an effective way.
Getting Started
- How to approach this course
- What you need
- Course Overview
Data File Checking
- Automated Data File and Variable Checking Methods
- Exercise: Practice automated steps
Transforming Variables
- Overview
- Categorical Variables
- Numeric Variables
- Dimension Reduction
- Text Variables
- Recapping the Workflow
- Dealing with Missing Values
Data Quality Checks
- Standard Data File Quality Checks
- Creating Custom Data Quality Checks
- Before you start
- Examination
About the Course
This course covers a range of skills required for survey data preparation. It builds on introductory material covered in our "Survey Analysis Foundations" and "Beginners Guide to Data Checking and Cleaning" courses. By the end of his course ...
- you will know how to identify opportunities tidy and transform variables, or create new variables from existing ones
- know how to perform these tasks
- and gain exposure to some automated methods for variable transformation and creation (that you might use for ongoing work, like tracking studies.
You can then sit the exam and get certified!
You can then build on this knowledge and skill set via The Data Story Guide and future courses.
Limited-time offer! Enroll now for free before we add a nominal fee.
Getting Started
- How to approach this course
- What you need
- Course Overview
Data File Checking
- Automated Data File and Variable Checking Methods
- Exercise: Practice automated steps
Transforming Variables
- Overview
- Categorical Variables
- Numeric Variables
- Dimension Reduction
- Text Variables
- Recapping the Workflow
- Dealing with Missing Values
Data Quality Checks
- Standard Data File Quality Checks
- Creating Custom Data Quality Checks
- Before you start
- Examination
Course Instructor
Over 30 years experience in quantitative research, including director roles at a leading multi-national agency. Highly regarded for his skills in finding the story in data and communicating it in an effective way.